Syntax Checker /me can't be used in events /set %foo = check x $+ y $+ z to $+(x, y, z) conversion /goto -> :label check alias/events explorer check for invalid -switches Ctrl+Shift+C => copy with irc color codes. highlight+scroll color matching ( -> ) and ( <- ) $window().titlebar => .title Events/Aliases Explorer. pastebin via shotcut key or right click block/event/alias/whole file Alias name conflict detection.. Finish dialog editor DCX addition to dialog editor Events conflic detection Socket creation helper - auto generate - browser Dialog code global issues detection. Unused local variable dections. Variables file editor. Hash table editor. mouse-hover error stack trace warn about leading chars toolbar with quick execute field (play button/F5) output window to grab the quick execute field color matching [ -> ] and [ <- ] detect and convert ANSI -> UTF-8 warn about longer than 512KB open hash table from sync bar break down sync bars into scripts/vars/aliases/hash tables/etc..